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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 84
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Sunday, August 9, 2015 : 4:00 PM to 5:50 PM
Sponsor: Section on Statistical Computing
Abstract #314733 View Presentation
Title: The Network Structure of R Packages
Author(s): Andrie de Vries* and Joseph Rickert
Companies: Revolution Analytics Limited and
Keywords: R ; Graphs ; Networks ; Network Communities

Over the past decade, the R programming language has moved from being a rather specialized platform supporting statisticians to a widely used tool at the center of the new developments in data science. Much of the growth in the capabilities of the R language is due to the success of R's "package" system. R developers add new capabilities to the language by writing functions that are grouped together into packages and submitted to repositories where they are tested and made available to R community. CRAN (> 6,000 packages) and BioConductor (> 900 packages) are the two primary repositories. These repositories are managed independently with different release cycles and different conformance policies. In this paper, we use statistical network theory and the algorithms implemented in various R packages including igraph and miniCRAN to analyze and visualize the connectivity structure of packages in CRAN and BioConductor. We also test the hypothesis that the different management policies of the two repositories are reflected in the properties of their graph networks.

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