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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 530
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Biometrics Section
Abstract - #309759
Title: Induced Smoothing Method for Optimal Treatment Learning
Author(s): Runchao Jiang*+ and Wenbin Lu and Rui Song
Companies: North Carolina State University and Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University and North Carolina State University
Keywords: optimal treatment rule ; induced smoothing

Personalized medicine has attracted a lot of attention recently. The robust learning method studied by Zhang, Tsiatis, Laber and Davidian (2012) provided a flexible way for obtaining the optimal treatment rule based on patients' prognostic characteristics. However, the objective function in the robust learning method is a very discrete function, which makes both the computation and inference of the regression parameters of interest very challenging. In this work, we propose an induced smoothing method for the robust learning, which smooths the loss function adaptively and thus facilitates the computation and inference procedure.

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