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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 282
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 : 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Sponsor: Social Statistics Section
Abstract - #307151
Title: Comparison of GPS Data Loggers and the Smartphone Application Route Scout for Use in GPS Data Collection for Travel Surveys
Author(s): Sarah Griffith*+ and Martin Kunzmann
Companies: NuStats and NuStats
Keywords: GPS ; Travel Survey ; Survey Methods ; Smartphone ; Data Collection ; Route Scout

The state-of-practice in Global Positioning System (GPS) data collection for travel surveys involves using survey-issued data loggers to capture GPS data, then using the data as a supplement to survey information. Recently, however, smartphone applications have been developed to combine some of these steps and reduce both the respondents' and surveyors' burdens. This study investigates the current practice of and future for GPS data collection with a comparison of data loggers, the smartphone application Route Scout, and the methods by which each type of data is processed. The objective of this paper is to show the benefits and hindrances of smartphone technology in relation to data loggers and to discuss specific examples and possible future developments. The technologies were tested side-by-side and evaluated on the quality of the raw data collected, monetary and time investments, storage capacity, battery usage, processing methods, and versatility. With respect to each of these concerns, it can be determined that smartphone applications have the potential to become the preferred method of GPS data collection in travel surveys.

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