JSM 2011 Online Program

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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 549
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 3, 2011 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute
Abstract - #300191
Title: Manifold Data Analysis
Author(s): Ian L. Dryden*+
Companies: University of South Carolina
Address: Department of Statistics, Columbia, SC, 29208,
Keywords: Shape ; Manifold ; Geodesic ; Principal components analysis ; Sphere ; Metric

Data that lie in a curved manifold are increasingly encountered in many application areas, for example in medical image analysis and computer vision. Classical manifold examples include spheres and landmark shape spaces, but newer manifold applications include spaces of curves, surfaces, diffusion tensors, diffeomorphisms and tree structures. Even defining the notion of a mean in a manifold is often not straighforward, and so care must be taken with the development of statistical methodology. Analogies of principal components analysis, regression models and smoothing splines in manifolds are some of the topics of interest. Particular distinctions are made between mildly non-Euclidean data, where the differential geometric structure is available, and strongly non-Euclidean data, where singularities and other complications abound.

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