JSM 2004 - Toronto

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This is the preliminary program for the 2004 Joint Statistical Meetings in Toronto, Canada. Currently included in this program is the "technical" program, schedule of invited, topic contributed, regular contributed and poster sessions; Continuing Education courses (August 7-10, 2004); and Committee and Business Meetings. This on-line program will be updated frequently to reflect the most current revisions.

To View the Program:
You may choose to view all activities of the program or just parts of it at any one time. All activities are arranged by date and time.

The views expressed here are those of the individual authors
and not necessarily those of the ASA or its board, officers, or staff.

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  301913  By:    11:20 AM 08/09/2004
Rank-based Analyses of Repeated Measures Models

  300961  By:  Geert Molenberghs 3:35 PM 08/09/2004
Longitudinal Data Analysis--Is "Optimal" Modeling of the Covariance Structure Necessary?

  301642  By:    11:20 AM 08/10/2004
Selecting the Best Linear Mixed Model: The State of the Art

  300847  By:    10:35 AM 08/11/2004
A Model Selection Criterion for Marginal Zero-inflated Regression for Clustered Data

  301516  By:    2:35 PM 08/11/2004
Bayesian Analysis with Mixed Model in Unbalanced Case

  301996  By:  Stephen Jones 11:35 AM 08/12/2004
A Repeated Measures Split-plot Experiment to Investigate the Effect of Cabin Pressure on Comfort and Well-being of Airline Passengers

  301089  By:    11:50 AM 08/12/2004
An Application of Repeated Measures Analysis in a Two-period, Longitudinal Cross-over Study

JSM 2004 For information, contact jsm@amstat.org or phone (888) 231-3473. If you have questions about the Continuing Education program, please contact the Education Department.
Revised March 2004