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Keyword=nonparametric Bayes

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  300485  By:  Jai  Won Choi 11:05 AM 08/12/2002
A Nonparametric Bayesian Analysis of a Proportion Under Nonignorable Nonresponse

  300780  By:  Fabrizio  Ruggeri 11:15 AM 08/13/2002
Some Results on Nonparametric Bayesian Robustness

  301487  By:  Fernando A. Quintana 3:35 PM 08/12/2002
Optimal Sampling for Repeated Binary Measurements

  300272  By:  Anindya  Roy 2:55 PM 08/13/2002
On Estimation of the Spectral Density Based on the Whittle likelihood for Linear Short Memory Gaussian Process

  301799  By:  Ehsan S. Soofi 2:20 PM 08/12/2002
Bayes Estimate and Inference for Entropy and Information Index of Fit

JSM 2002

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Revised March 2002