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and not necessarily those of the ASA or its board, officers, or staff.

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  301556  By:  Charles C.  Mason 10:35 AM 08/15/2002
Households: Are They Willing and Able to Participate in WEB-Based Surveys?

  300876  By:  Michael  Egner 10:50 AM 08/14/2002
Employing the Monthly Current Population Survey to Create Nontelephone Household Totals by State for SLAITS

  301427  By:  Michael P. Cohen 3:05 PM 08/13/2002
Imputation of Trips of Persons Not Interviewed in Household Travel Surveys

  300362  By:  Warren A. Brown 2:05 PM 08/14/2002
The American Community Survey and Small Area Estimation

  301976  By:  Ismael  Flores-Cervantes 11:05 AM 08/14/2002
Weighting for Nontelephone Households in the 2001 California Health Interview Survey

JSM 2002

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If you have questions about the Continuing Education program, please contact the Education Department.

Revised March 2002