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and not necessarily those of the ASA or its board, officers, or staff.

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  300183  By:  Anuj  Srivastava 4:55 PM 08/11/2002
Sequential Image Understanding: From Spectral Analysis to Deformable Templates

  300788  By:  Jason  Moore 11:05 AM 08/15/2002
Non-Traditional Statistical Approaches for the Analysis of High-Dimensional Genetic Data

  301237  By:  Vadim  Pliner 4:20 PM 08/11/2002
A New Nonparametric Method For Predictive Modeling

  301343  By:  Cheng   Wang 10:05 AM 08/12/2002
Nonlinear Modeling and Predicting of Clinical Laboratory Testing

  301422  By:  Walter  Mudryk 10:50 AM 08/14/2002
Quality Control Application in ICR Data Capture for the 2001 Canadian Census of Agriculture

  300235  By:  Mark  Gahegan 10:35 AM 08/15/2002
Visualization: Perceptual and Cognitive Principles and their Relevance to Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis

  300236  By:  Alan M. MacEachren 11:25 AM 08/15/2002
Defining a Research Agenda for GeoVisualization

JSM 2002

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Revised March 2002