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Keyword=Sensitivity Analysis

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and not necessarily those of the ASA or its board, officers, or staff.

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  300160  By:  Andrzej S. Kosinski 11:25 AM 08/12/2002
A Global Sensitivity Analysis of Performance of a Medical Diagnostic Test When Verification Bias is Present

  300066  By:  Max  Morris 2:25 PM 08/13/2002
Models, Experimental Designs, and Input Screening

  300169  By:  Giovanni  Parmigiani 11:25 AM 08/14/2002
Measuring Uncertainty in Complex Decision Models

  300160  By:  Andrzej S. Kosinski 11:25 AM 08/12/2002
A Global Sensitivity Analysis of Performance of a Medical Diagnostic Test When Verification Bias is Present

  300039  By:  Andrea B. Troxel 2:05 PM 08/14/2002
Measuring Sensitivity to Nonignorable Dropout in the Analysis of Quality-of-Life Data

  300647  By:  Donna  K. Pauler 11:35 AM 08/13/2002
Analyses for Handling Non-random Missing Data and Censorship by Death in Longitudinal Quality of Life Studies for Advanced-Stage Disease

  300792  By:  Guoguang (Julie)  Ma 8:35 AM 08/15/2002
Local Sensitivity to Nonignorability in Frequentist Inference

  301406  By:  Christina  Korkontzelou 2:05 PM 08/13/2002
Accounting for Informative Dropout in Longitudinal Clinical Trials of Smoking Cessation: Application of Inverse Probability Weighting and Sensitivity Analysis

  301471  By:  John M. Grego 10:35 AM 08/15/2002
Calibration of a Flood Hydraulics Model

  301602  By:  Hal  Stern 3:05 PM 08/13/2002
On the Sensitivity of Bayes Factors to the Prior Distributions

  301718  By:  Daniel J. Zaccaro 11:05 AM 08/15/2002
Reducing Dependence on Tobacco: A Sensitivity Analysis

  301719  By:  Gregory  DiRienzo 3:05 PM 08/12/2002
Nonparametric Comparison of Two Survival Time Distributions in the Presence of Dependent Censoring

JSM 2002

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Revised March 2002