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and not necessarily those of the ASA or its board, officers, or staff.

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  300951  By:  Susan  Haller 2:05 PM 08/14/2002
Using Kisses to Illustrate Confidence Interval and Hypothesis Testing Concepts

  300720  By:  Dennis   Oberhelman 9:20 AM 08/13/2002
A Test for the Equality of Regression Coefficients when the Regressions are Heteroscedastic

  300735  By:  Amang S. Sukasih 12:05 PM 08/15/2002
Evaluation of Inferential Performance Through Confidence Bounds for Power Curves

  300951  By:  Susan  Haller 2:05 PM 08/14/2002
Using Kisses to Illustrate Confidence Interval and Hypothesis Testing Concepts

  301156  By:  Chii-Dean J. Lin 8:50 AM 08/12/2002
A Note on One-sided Test for Two Proportions

  301299  By:  Jeremy  Taylor 9:05 AM 08/15/2002
Proteomics and the Analysis of Protein Expression Profiles

JSM 2002

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If you have questions about the Continuing Education program, please contact the Education Department.

Revised March 2002