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and not necessarily those of the ASA or its board, officers, or staff.

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  300136  By:  Qing  Liu 9:15 AM 08/12/2002
General Two-Stage Adaptive Designs With Dependent Data

  300135  By:  Peter  Bauer 8:55 AM 08/12/2002
Multiple Decision Making in Adaptive Designs

  300260  By:  Christopher  Jennison 3:05 PM 08/12/2002
Flexible Sample Size: Still No Free Lunch!

  300134  By:  Gernot  Wassmer 8:35 AM 08/12/2002
Data-Driven Analysis Strategies for Proportion Studies in Adaptive Group Sequential Test Designs

  300083  By:  Cyrus  Mehta 2:45 PM 08/12/2002
Flexible Sample Size Considerations Using Information Based Interim Monitoring

JSM 2002

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Revised March 2002