JSM Activity #5

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Activity ID:  5
Bayesian Modeling with Applications
Date / Time / Room Sponsor Type
2:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Room: S-Riverside Suite
Section on Bayesian Stat. Sciences* Invited
Organizer: Gauri S. Datta, University of Georgia
Chair: Steven MacEachern, Ohio State University
Discussant: 3:20 PM - Balgobin Nandram, Worcester Polytechnic Inst.
3:30 PM - Gauri S. Datta, University of Georgia
Floor Discussion 3:40 PM

Problems considered will be dilution priors which express model uncertainty in the linear model and else where, objective priors useful in bioassay problems and models for small area estimation problems.
  301558  By:  Edward I. George 2:05 PM 08/11/2002
Dilution Priors for Model Uncertainty

  300789  By:  Malay  Ghosh 2:30 PM 08/11/2002
Objective Priors for Bayesian Bioassay

  300774  By:  J. N. K. Rao 2:55 PM 08/11/2002
Small Area Estimation Using Area-Level and Unit-Level Models

JSM 2002

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Revised March 2002