JSM Activity #299

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Activity ID:  299
* Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analyses of Survey Data
Date / Time / Room Sponsor Type
10:30 AM - 12:20 PM
Room: H-Sutton Parlor North
SSC, Section on Government Statistics*, Section on Statistics in Epidemiology*, Section on Survey Research Methods*, Social Statistics Section* Invited
Organizer: David R. Bellhouse, University of Western Ontario
Chair: David R. Bellhouse, University of Western Ontario
Discussant: 11:50 AM - David A. Binder, Statistics Canada    
Floor Discussion 12:10 PM

Government agencies have designed and carried out many large-scale complex surveys. One of the major themes in survey research today focuses on how to carry out a proper analysis of these large datasets. Further, there is a trend toward more longitudinal surveys, which possibly require a new and different approach to analysis. Various aspects in the analysis of complex survey data analysis, both cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys, are touched on in this session.
  300170  By:  Jamie  Stafford 10:35 AM 08/14/2002
Additive Models in Survey Sampling

  301367  By:  John L. Eltinge 11:00 AM 08/14/2002
Use of Generalized Variance Functions in Multivariate Analysis

  301242  By:  Milorad S. Kovacevic 11:25 AM 08/14/2002
Modelling Multiple Unemployment Spells From Longitudinal Survey Data

JSM 2002

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Revised March 2002