JSM Activity #265

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Activity ID:  265
* ! Statistica Sinica Invited Papers: Bioinformatics
Date / Time / Room Sponsor Type
8:30 AM - 10:20 AM
Room: S-Royal Ballroom B
International Chinese Statisticial Association Invited
Organizer: Ker-Chau Li, University of California, Los Angeles
Chair: Yi-Ching Yao, Academia Sinica
Floor Discussion 10:15 AM

Bioinformatics is an emerging scientific area which requires sophisticated statistical reasoning and computer skills. Statistica Sinica has received 17 outstanding submissions in this area and a special theme issue is scheduled to appear in January issue of 2002. Four papers covering a wide range of topics, including microarray data analysis, disease influence on gene expression, statistical modeling in mRNA antisense study and genetic association for complex diseases are selected for presentation in this session.
  300238  By:  Kirby  Shedden 8:35 AM 08/14/2002
Modeling the Influence of Disease Processes on Gene Expression

  300239  By:  Laura  Lazzeroni 9:00 AM 08/14/2002
Extensions of the Plaid Model for Two-way Clustering of Gene Expression Data

  300794  By:  Ye  Ding 9:25 AM 08/14/2002
Rational Statistical Design of Antisense Oligonucleotides for High-throughput Functional Genomics and Drug Target Validation

  300241  By:  Shuanglin  Zhang 9:50 AM 08/14/2002
Detecting Genetic Association in Case-control Studies Using Similarity-based Association Tests

JSM 2002

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Revised March 2002