Abstract #300109

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JSM 2002 Abstract #300109
Activity Number: 28
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Sunday, August 11, 2002 : 4:00 PM to 5:50 PM
Sponsor: Advisory Cmte on Teacher Enhancement
Abstract - #300109
Title: A Conference on Statistics in Teacher Preparation Programs
Author(s): David Fluharty*+
Affiliation(s): Continental Teves
Address: 627 Liberty Pointe Dr, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48103-2097,
Keywords: K-12 statistics education ; pre-service teaching

The teaching of statistics is no longer the exclusive realm of colleges and universities. Often it is K-12 teachers that are providing the first contact students have with statistics. One way to improve the teaching of statistics in K-12 over the long-term, including the connection of statistics with mathematics and science, is to focus on pre-service teachers through K-12 teacher preparation programs. Currently, workshops and short courses on statistics are essential for meeting the short-term needs of K-12 teachers. However, if we are to overcome the difficulty of trying to teach an entire subject in a short course or workshop, we must move statistical content and pedagogy into teacher preparation programs. In October 2001 the Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences (CBMS) released a report entitled "The Mathematical Education of Teachers." It is important that statisticians assist teacher preparation programs in implementing these guidelines as they relate to statistics. To that end, planning has begun on a Conference on Statistics in Teacher Preparation Programs. This talk will examine the CBMS recommendations pertinent to statistics and plans for the conference.

  • The address information is for the authors that have a + after their name.
  • Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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JSM 2002

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Revised March 2002