Recommended Visiting Lecturers
Need a MAW Speaker? The following speakers have been excerpted
from the MAA & SIAM Visiting Lecturer Programs with topics related
to the 1997 MAW theme - Mathematics and the Internet.
From the MAA
(see the MAA's complete listing of speakers)
Joel V. Brawley, Alumni Professor
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Clemson University
Clemson. SC 29634-1907
- Elementary Algebraic Cryptography-EIA
- Some Mathematical Questions in Cryptography-IA
Mary R. Hesselgrave (1996)
Bell Laboratories Room 3d-472
600 Mountain Avenue
Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636
(e-mail:; Phone: (908) 582-3049
- Describing the Performance of Computer Systems-E
- Predicting the Performance of Computer Algorithms with
Functions of Two Variables-EI
- Operational Analysis of Computer Systems-An Introduction to
Queueing Theory-IA
- Considerations for Building Distributed Transaction Processing
Joseph P. Kung, Department of Mathematics
University of North Texas
Denton, TX 76201
- Error-Correcting Codes-E
- Permutations and Sorting-I
- Primes and Cryptology-A
Carole B. Lacampagne, Senior Research Associate
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
U. S. Department of Education
555 New Jersey Avenue. N.W
Washington, DC 20208
- Cryptography-E
- Careers In Mathematics-EIA
Don McAlister, Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115
Phone: (815) 753-6770; FAX: (815) 753-1112
- Tales from d'crypt: clocks, logs and trapdoors. (An
introduction to the mathematics of cryptography)-IA
S. Brent Morris, Sr. Mathematician
National Security Agency
5088 Lake Circle West
Columbia, MD 21044-1442
Phone: (301) 688-7164; FAX: (301) 688-3560
- Classical Cryptanalysis-E
Dr. Morris is a and worked his way through school as a magician.
His interests are computer interconnection networks, recreational
mathematics, and combinatorics.
Les Reid, Professor, Department of Mathematics
Southwest Missouri State University
901 S. National Ave.
Springfield, MO 65804
Phone: (417) 836-5583; FAX: (417) 836-5610
- Public-Key Cryptography-IA
Philip D. Straffin, Jr., Professor,
Mathematics and Computer Science
Beloit College
Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 363-2367; FAX: (608) 363-2140
- Eigenvectors as Measures of Centrality in Networks-I
William Y. Velez, Professor, Department of Mathematics
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
Phone: (602) 621-2259; FAX: (602) 621-8322
- Content Addressable Memories: An Elementary Example of A Neural
- Modern Cryptography: A Beautiful Example of Applied Number
- Elementary Number Theory: Number Theory Problems That I Have
Known and Loved-A
He is currently President, Society for the Advancement of Chicanos
and Native Americans in Science. As of September 1994, I am also
the Director, Southwest Regional Institute in the Mathematical
Sciences. My field of research has been elementary and algebraic
number theory.
(see SIAM's complete listing of speakers)
David Carlson, Mathematical Sciences Department
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA 92182-0314
Phone: 619-594-6670 Fax: 619-594-6746
- Error-Correcting Codes and Matrices over Finite Fields
David Carlson received his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin; he
has been on the faculty at San Diego State since 1982. His
published research has been in matrix theory, but he has always had
an interest in applications of his subject. In the past few years,
his special interests have broadened to include issues in the
teaching of linear algebra and of calculus.
Gary J. Sherman, Department of Mathematics
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Terre Haute, IN 47803-3999
Phone: 812-877-8445 Fax: 812-877-3198
- Lower division: Develop the essence of BCH codes in the
context of a specific example (a double-error correcting code
in binary 15-space is constructed and an error correction
algorithm is developed).
- Upper division: Reed-Solomon codes for burst-error correction.
Gary Sherman has been at Rose-Hulman since receiving his Ph.D. from
Indiana University in 1971. During his tenure at Rose-Hulman, he
has taught (receiving several teaching awards), done research
(mostly finite group theory), consulted (operations research for
Milliken Textile), and administered (chair for six years).
Professor Sherman developed Rose Hulman's Theorodrome (an upper
division computer classroom-laboratory with special emphasis on
applied and theoretical algebra and discrete mathematics) and
directs an NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates program at
Michael Tortorella, Technical Manager
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Holmdel, NJ 07733-3030
Phone: 908-949-8065 Fax: 908-949-0019
- Some Applications of Mathematics in Telecommunications
(Traffic theory, reliability, computer-aided engineering and
multicriterion optimization)
Mike Tortorella (Ph.D., Purdue University) spent two years on the
faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee before joining
Bell Labs in 1975 as a member of the technical staff. Originally
trained in classical applied mathematics (boundary value problems,
inverse scattering, nonlinear functional analysis), he has worked
at Bell Labs with numerous applications of stochastic processes in
telecommunications problems, including teletraffic, economics, and
reliability. A Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff since
1984, he is currently manager of the Design for Reliability
Processes and Technologies Group at Bell Labs and an Associate
Editor of Naval Research Logistics.
Daniel Zwillinger, President, Zwillinger & Associates
63 Greylock Road
Newton, MA 02160
Phone: 617-244-5267 Fax: 617-244-5267
- How Can You Listen to a CD-ROM with Scratches on It?
(coding theory)
Daniel Zwillinger (Ph.D., California Institute of Technology) has
a broad background in applied mathematics. He taught at Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute for four years, has worked for Exxon and
MITRE, and has held temporary appointments at Sandia Labs, JPL,
IDA, and DMA. He has published three reference books in
mathematics. Currently, he directs an applied mathematical
consulting business and manages a book reference series for