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- Theme Essay: Math and the Internet - 31 December 1996
The official MAW 1997 theme essay, by Paul Davis of Worcester Polytechnic
Institute. Version 1.0.
- Poster Order Form - 31 December 1996
It's now possible to order a MAW 97 theme poster (or posters from past
- Web Links Added - 13 December 1996
A preliminary selection of Web resources relevant to MAW 97's theme:
Math and the Internet.
MAW Session at Joint Mathematics Meetings
- 13 December 1996
A Math Awareness Week session will be held at the AMS/MAA Joint Mathematics
Meetings in San Diego on Friday, January 10, 1997.
Announcing MAW
97 - 10 December 1996
A short press release about what's in store for MAW 97.
Go to What's New Archive: November 1996
Go to What's New Archive: January 1997
Mathematics Awareness Month is sponsored each year by the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics to recognize the importance of mathematics through written materials and an accompanying poster that highlight mathematical developments and applications in a particular area. |