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Theme Essay: Mathematics and the Internet
The official theme essay for MAW 97, by Paul Davis of Worcester Polytechnic
Institute. Version 2.1.
Discovering Mathematics*
A shorter version of the MAW theme essay, presented as a colorful brochure.
Includes a timeline that is not in the longer essay.
* Technical note: View this PDF file
with the freely-available
Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Cashing in on
the Vulnerabilities of Cash Cards
- April 1997 SIAM NEWS article by Paul Davis.
Devlin's Angle: How to Get Into the Newspapers
The March 1997 edition of Keith Devlin's MAA Online column is related to MAW.
The Internet:
Bringing Order from Chaos
Scientific American's March 1997 issue
features a special report on the World Wide Web.
Mathematics and the
World Wide Web
Insight and commentary from Gene Klotz, Swarthmore College math professor and Math Forum project
Mathematics Awareness Month is sponsored each year by the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics to recognize the importance of mathematics through written materials and an accompanying poster that highlight mathematical developments and applications in a particular area. |