This page consists of excerpts
from the Mathematical Association of America booklet selected to reflect "Mathematics and Decision Making,"
the 1996 Mathematics Awareness Week theme.
For the booklet or further information on this program, contact Jane Heckler at the MAA.
MAA visiting lecturers are prepared to give formal lectures as well
as to confer with students and faculty. They will be glad to
discuss opportunities for graduate study and employment with
students, and they will cooperate with the department in all ways
possible to further the aims of the mathematics program.
Typically a visit by a lecturer lasts either one full day or two half
days (from the afternoon of one day to the morning of the next).
Selection of a Visitor
The list of lecturers includes mathematicians with a wide range of
interests in elementary and advanced mathematics. Some are applied
mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, or actuaries.
Some have a special interest in the problems of the developing
college, or in mathematics for two-year colleges.
Visit Arrangements
Colleges are expected to make arrangements for MAA lecture visits
directly with the lecturer whose service is desired. Addresses of
all lecturers in the program appear in the list of lecturers.
The cost of a visit may include transportation and accommodations.
Lecture visits can ordinarily be accomplished in one day. The financial arrangements should be clearly understood and agreed to before the visit. Payment of expenses should be made directly to
the lecturer in accordance with your university policy.
Some of the visiting lecturers have indicated that their institutions
may be able to help with travel expenses. Those lecturers are
indicated in the listing by an asterisk.