Math Awareness Month - April 2001

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Applied Mathematics and Acoustics at Rensselaer
The website's introduction states "The propagation of sound in the ocean has many surprising and interesting features that have been discovered over the past half century. Applied mathematicians have contributed to the explanation of the observed phenomena and the development of new theoretical and computational tools." The site provides a brief introduction to research projects of recent and current doctoral students.

Center for Remote Testing
This Ocean Internal Wave Online Atlas is a result of research being done by the Center for Remote Sensing in the Graduate College of Marine Studies at the University of Delaware. The site contains a searchable database of images that document internal waves in different areas of the world. Included along with each image is an analysis of the internal solitons.

Coastal Ocean Modelling at the USGS Woods Hole Field Center
This website posts circulation and fly-by movies.

DNV Course in Ocean Engineering
This site is hosted by a company, Det Norske Veritas (DNV), and provides a complete course in ocean engineering, with electronic compendium, material for classroom presentation, WAP and audio field services and online computers (developed in 1996).

A Dynamical Systems Approach to Transport and Mixing in Geophysical Flows
California Institute of Technology hosts this webstite.

Dynamics in the Ocean and Atmosphere
This website is hosted by the Lefschetz Center for Dynamical Systems, Brown University.

El Niño theme page of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
This site contains a wealth of information about El Niño, a disruption of the ocean-atmospheric system in the tropical Pacific having important consequences for weather around the globe.

Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society
The Society provides links to government agencies, other organizations and industries, and online articles in the geophysical sciences, some of which relate to the ocean.

Fourier Analysis of Ocean Tides, Part I
An AMS What's New in Mathematics Feature Column: a geometric analysis of tidal forces, with sections on tides and gravitation, the geometry of the solar tide, the trigonometry of the solar tide, and the lunar tide.

Fourier Analysis of Ocean Tides, Part II
An AMS What's New in Mathematics Feature Column: a Fourier analysis of tidal forces, with sections on setting up the problem, "almost orthogonality," the complete calculation, and the disk-sphere-cylinder integrator.

Fourier Analysis of Ocean Tides, Part III
An AMS What's New in Mathematics Feature Column: this part examines the remaining problem of how to go from the expression for H(t) to a prediction of the times and heights of the high and low tides at P on any given day. With JAVA animation.

International Year of the Ocean
The website of the 1998 International Year of the Ocean includes links to federal agencies, discussion groups, conference reports, information for teachers and journalists, and more.

National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC)
The NODC serves as a national repository and dissemination facility for global ocean data.

Ocean Modeling and Data Assimilation
The College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University hosts this website. The mathematical equations which describe the motions of the ocean are extremely complicated, so physical oceanographers develop approximations to these equations which can be solved on a computer. Combining these "models" with observations of the ocean is called "data assimilation."

Ocean Planet Smithsonian
This electronic online companion exhibition contains all of the text and most of the panel designs and images found in the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition.

Ocean Sciences at the New Millennium
This is an NSF Committee on Ocean Sciences report on the future of ocean sciences.

This website includes links to other oceanography-related websites, grouped by geographical location, newsgroups and mailing lists, electronic publications, societies, conferences, and subject index. Subjects include: Biological Oceanography, Chemical Oceanography, Physical Oceanography (which lists links to websites on ground-based observations, remote sensing, modeling, movies, WOCE), and Marine Geology and Geophysics. The website is maintained by Dave Stevens, School of Mathematics, University of East Anglia (UEA), Norwich, England.

Rogue Waves 2000
Take a look at this photograph of a rogue wave approaching the SS Gulf in the Gulf Stream off Charleston, South Carolina; link to the International Metocean Research and Development website; and more.


Nature, Science and Discover have recently published articles about oceans and climate (vertical mixing, ice flow, global warming, eddies, fluid dynamics). If you have a subscription to these online journals, use the above keywords to search their sites.

Mathematics Awareness Month is sponsored each year by the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics to recognize the importance of mathematics through written materials and an accompanying poster that highlight mathematical developments and applications in a particular area.