Subject: Re: Sexual Orientation

Following message was posted by Greg Piepel on September 03, 1998 at 16:25:08: in reply to Sexual Orientation posted by Gregory Piepel on August 27, 1998 at 14:39:40:

I learned of the posting of my comments, and decided to check out the Ethics site. The response by Dr. Gardenier to the comments so far is partly different than the original response I received when I originally made my comment.

Despite what the current U.S. administration, states, companies, AAAS, etc. are doing to try to “normalize” and “make acceptable” homosexuality, the bottom line remains that a significant fraction of the U.S. population have legitimate moral concerns about homosexuality. Such people can “love the sinner” but “oppose the sin” by opposing efforts to “legalize” or “normalize” homosexuality. Such people will not be able to accept any Ethics statement that covers acceptance and non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation as a “Shared Value.”

This message was posted by Greg Piepel on August 17, 1998, but was deleted unwittingly (together with all other postings) by C. Wang and re-mounted on 9/2/98.