Subject: Re: Comments on ASA Ethics Guidelines

Following message was posted by John Gardenier on October 06, 1998 at 16:36:51: in reply to Re: Comments on ASA Ethics Guidelines posted by Phil Pichotta on October 02, 1998 at 18:06:07:

Although we have several points of disagreement, Phil Pichotta's thoughtful discussion has had a substantial impact on Committee discussions and on the final public draft of the guidelines to be mounted imminently. Thank you. Hopefully, you will be pleased to see that many of your points have been covered in the new draft. We continue disagree about some other specifics, the scope of the document, and the inclusion of the "good professional citizenship" items. So be it. We have no illusion of being able to please everyone. As to the group that commented both in writing and at the JSM, we have to presume that these, pro or con, are those who are most concerned about the content. If others wish to comment after these guidelines become official, they may influence a later revision. Hopefully, the document will be revised or replaced every three to five years.
I will respond directly to Phil on specific points he raises which are not addressed in the new draft. John Gardenier