Charge of the Committee on Statistics and Disability
To improve the statistics used in disability research, including the socio-demographics of people with disabilities, and to support ASA members and potential members by working to insure full participation in the ASA and in the academic, industry and government communities.
Operating Procedures for the
Committee on Statistics and Disability
1. The Committee will strive to plan for and create an accessible environment for its members and potential members with disabilities at all levels of ASA activity.
2. The Committee will interact with such agencies as the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the National Science Foundation, the Social Security Administration, and the National Institute of Disability Research and Rehabilitation in their statistical efforts concerning disability.
3. The Committee will encourage the recruitment and training of individuals with disabilities at all levels of education by providing information and direction concerning the suitability of the profession of statistics for individuals with disabilities. These materials will be made available to counselors, teachers, professors, the ASA Section on Statistical Education, the chapters of ASA, and the general membership of ASA.
4. The Committee will provide speakers (as advocates and role models) and prepare literature highlighting the successful careers of individuals with disabilities in statistics, as well as assure that all ASA literature, when appropriate, deals with issues of disability.
5. The Committee will identify resources needed to support the participation of statisticians with disabilities in professional activities of the ASA, including national, regional and local meetings; and will work with the ASA to provide suitable versions of journals and other printed materials for visually impaired statisticians. In addition, the Committee will support an ASA web-site that provides information and links for general resources concerning statistical materials to individuals with visual impairments.
6. The Committee will join with and support the activities of government agencies, private industry, academic institutions, and other groups throughout the profession in affirming the goal of a barrier-free environment for statisticians and scientists with disabilities. The Committee will maintain on its ASA web- site guidance for providing accessible meetings.
7. The Committee will work to foster cooperation and interactions with federal agencies that collect data concerning individuals with disabilities. In doing so, the Committee will also petition the ASA to support the development of related and integrated national data on disability.
8. The Committee will actively sponsor and encourage others to sponsor Sessions concerning statistics and disability at national and regional ASA meetings.
9. The Committee will make its commitments concerning disability known to the membership of ASA.
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