ASA 175th Anniversary Blog

ASA at 175 - CHANCE magazine

By Ronald Wasserstein - March 82, 2014

As mentioned in the March 20 ASA at 175 blog, the American Statistical Association publishes two outreach magazines. Today we’ll focus on the older of the two, CHANCE, which has been published since 1988. As noted on its website, "the magazine is designed for anyone who has an interest in the analysis of data, informally highlighting sound...

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ASA at 175 - Significant developments at Significance magazine

By Ronald Wasserstein - March 79, 2014

ASA at 175 – Significant development at Significance magazine

The American Statistical Association publishes two outreach magazines, Significance and Chance.  In separate blogs we’ll look at each of them.  Today we’ll focus on Significance, because there is major news to announce.

Significance is a partnership between the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) and the ASA.  The RSS has been publishing the magazine since 2004.  The ASA became a partner in 2010.  Significance is aimed at a broad audience – anyone who is interested in how statistical matters affect their lives.  It is an entertaining and thought-provoking magazine, demonstrating how statistics benefits society in...

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ASA at 175 - Journals update

By Ronald Wasserstein - March 78, 2014

Last month, I blogged about the ASA’s journals.  Here are two important updates since that time.

MathJax: The ASA has, since the advent of online publishing, sought to improve how articles appear in full-text HTML, and particularly how math is rendered. Now, thanks to an initiative by our publishing partner Taylor and Francis (working with online host Atypon), this may finally be a reality. In the near future, articles in ASA journals will be published online using MathJax.

MathJax is a language that allows complex mathematics to be rendered online as clearly and cleanly as they appear in print or in a PDF. Currently, our full-text...

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ASA at 175 - More on Advocacy: The Census Project

By Ronald Wasserstein - March 76, 2014

I wrote last week about ASA advocacy efforts, mentioning specifically the American Statistical Association’s work in support of the American Community Survey (ACS). I mentioned that collaboration with other groups was an essential part of the ASA’s advocacy strategy. Today I will highlight one of the organizations with which we partner.

The Census Project is an...

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ASA at 175 - What some young statisticians are saying

By Ronald Wasserstein - March 75, 2014

The opportunity yesterday (March 15) to make a presentation at the ASA Orange County Long Beach Chapter Careers Day was terrific. In the keynote address, I talked about building a career in statistics. Afterward, I got to visit with several of the 50+ participants. Not surprisingly, I learned a lot of interesting things from speaking to these young statisticians.

First of all, I learned that some of the young statisticians were not all that young. I spoke to...

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