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ASA at 175 - Conference on Statistical Practice, part 3 - Wrapping up, looking ahead

By Ronald Wasserstein - February 53, 2014

A very successful 2014 ASA Conference on Statistical Practice concluded late this afternoon with a conference tradition, a wrap up session giving the attendees the opportunity to provide feedback to the organizers. This is a great way to end a statistics conference – collecting some data to put to use in the planning for CSP 2015 that is already well underway.

Many of the attendees in the wrap up session commented on the importance of the personal (non-technical) skills development opportunities at the conference. Sessions on improving communication, collaboration, and career development were well attended and lively. Conference attendees also very much valued the many sessions providing practical guidance in a wide variety of technical statistical skills.

The CSP had just over 400 participants this year. This annual conference, started in 2012, grew in 2013 and again this year, which is a short trend, but a positive one. As mentioned in previous blogs, the conference grew in other ways as well, but especially by adding two important new features: the mentoring program and a career placement center. Conference organizers expect both of those programs to grow next year.

The ideal size for the conference is continually being considered. The current size has allowed the conference to be arranged logistically around an exhibit hall/poster area, with meeting rooms feeding into that area. This has made it extremely easy for participants to meet and mingle, and gives a lot of exposure to the exhibitors, which is important to them, and they are important to the conference. During the wrap up, attendees mentioned this arrangement of meeting spaces was a valuable component of the conference.

Should the conference be a little longer? Should there be at least one more thematic track? How can we better get the word out? These and many other questions were raised by conference attendees and are on the minds of the Conference on Statistical Practice Steering Committee members as they prepare for the 2015 conference in New Orleans.

Most importantly, though, attendees made it clear that they appreciated the conference for focusing on practical aspects that will help them do their jobs better and grow as professionals. Walking around the CSP, hearing the rich variety of work that statisticians do, provided another reminder of the ASA’s role as The Big Tent for Statistics. The CSP is a wonderful complement to the Joint Statistical Meetings, providing an environment for practitioners to interact and to help one another to be successful.

Congratulations to the Steering Committee for a wonderful conference! I also extend my thanks to the ASA staff who made this possible, those who worked at the conference and those who worked on the conference from back in their Alexandria offices. Well done, all!

See you in New Orleans February 19-21, 2015, for the next Conference on Statistical Practice!

In 2014, the American Statistical Association is celebrating its 175th anniversary. Over the course of this year, this blog will highlight aspects of that celebration, and look broadly at the ASA and its activities. Please contact ASA Executive Director Ron Wasserstein ( if you would like to post an entry to this blog.

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