NAME: Ball Bearing Reliability Data TYPE: Sample SIZE: 210 records by 11 variables DESCRIPTIVE ABSTRACT: Each record contains the results of a test of a set of ball bearings. The quantities L10 and L50 are estimated percentiles of the fatigue failure distribution (obtained by fitting a Weibull distribution to the fatigue failure times, separately in each set). The objective is to analyse ln(L10) (and separately ln(L50)) by linear regression on the logarithms of P, Z and D, which are characteristics of the ball bearings. Differences between companies and between types of bearing can be tested. DATA SOURCE: Copied from Lieblein and Zelen (1956). DATASET LAYOUT: Columns Variable Comment 1 Company Codes 1, 2, and 3 for companies A, B, and C 2-4 Test number 1, 2, ... within company 7-10 Year of test 9999 = missing (not used in analysis) 12-13 No. of bearings Weighting variable 15-19 Load (P) 21-22 No. of balls (Z) 24-30 Diameter (D) Format F7.5 32-38 L10 Format F7.3 41-46 L50 Format F6.2 48-51 Weibull slope Format F4.2 (not used) 53 Bearing type 1, 2, and 3 in Company B; 0 otherwise PEDAGOGICAL NOTES: Additional information about these data can be found in the "Datasets and Stories" article "Modeling the Reliability of Ball Bearings" in the _Journal of Statistics Education_ (Caroni 2002, REFERENCES: Lieblein, J., and Zelen, M. (1956), “Statistical investigation of the fatigue life of deep-groove ball bearings”, _Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards_, 57, 273-316. SUBMITTED BY: Chrys Caroni Department of Mathematics National Technical University of Athens GR 157 80 Athens Greece --