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Friday, October 19
Fri, Oct 19, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Salons FG
Contemporary Topics in Learning

Deep Learning--Based Approach for Competitor Analysis (304851)

*Akshata Kishore Moharir, Boeing Company  
Pooja Mansharamani, Indian Statistical Institute  

Keywords: Deep learning , NLP ,Machine Learning , Deep Belief Nets , LDA ,Clustering

Currently traditional machine learning algorithms are widely used in all industries, but recently new algorithms are being adopted for many of the problems due to its complexity and time constraint. Competitor Analysis has evolved in the last one and half decades in the Aviation industry. This work explores the usefulness of analyzing market competitors using text mining tools, Deep learning and visual analytics for SWOT Analysis, as applied to the aviation industry. In order to have better classification accuracy ,we proposed Deep Belief Networks based Topic modelling approach which yielded a better accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms like LDA. The results are useful to devise competitive strategies for any industry.