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Friday, October 19
Fri, Oct 19, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
She Leads with Statistics and Data Science Research

She Leads with Statistics and Data Science Research (304835)

*Kimberly F. Sellers, Georgetown University 
*Katherine Bennett Ensor, Rice University 
*Ji-Hyun Lee, University of Florida 
*Susmita Datta, University of Florida 

Keywords: Statistical, Interdisciplinary, Leads, Women

• The panel will feature women researchers who have made significant intellectual contributions to lead multiple research areas of statistical sciences. This panel will be both celebratory and informative. The panel will have appeal to participants from students to late-career professionals. Stories of research career successes and challenges of the panelists in their own careers will offer directions to early-career researchers and sustainability of mid-career researchers. Additionally, the personal narratives will also highlight the diverse areas of interdisciplinary research and may encourage participants to pursue new collaborations. The panel is especially well-suited for WSDS 2018 given that the conference focuses on finding opportunities to grow ones influence through the community and knowledge.