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Thursday, October 18
Thu, Oct 18, 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Caprice 3-4
Speed Session 2

Analysis of Signal Classification via Persistent Homology (304788)

*Cassie Putman Micucci, University of Tennessee 
Vasileios Maroulas, University of Tennessee 

Keywords: Classification of Time Series, Data Space of Persistence Diagrams, Wasserstein Metric, Cardinality, Persistent homology

Classification of signals is a well-known problem within machine learning, although many methods overlook significant geometric or topological structure in the data. To investigate these features, we create a persistence diagram after transforming a signal into a point cloud using Takens’ embedding. We then consider a new metric on the space of persistence diagrams that accounts both for the matching of points and for the cardinality of the diagrams. This metric generates a classification algorithm for the signals. We also investigate the stability properties of this metric; this analysis provides justification for the use of the metric for comparisons of such diagrams.