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Friday, October 20
Fri, Oct 20, 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM
Aventine Ballroom F
Knowledge, Community, Influence

Teaching Upper-Level Statistics Courses Through a Shared/Hybrid Model (303941)

*Jingchen (Monika) Hu, Vassar College 

Keywords: online teaching, undergraduate education

At small liberal arts colleges, with the relatively smaller number of students taking statistics, offering advanced level courses can be difficult. Under the Liberal Arts Consortium for Online Learning (LACOL) Upper Level Math Project, I will be teaching an elective course (Bayesian Statistics) through a shared/hybrid model in Fall 2017. Lectures will be given in classroom at Vassar with Vassar students present. Each lecture will be recorded and shared with both Vassar students and students from other campuses taking the course as an independent study course with a local faculty liaison. I would love to share my experience and thoughts at WSDS 2017, as how to build up a cross-campus learning community.