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Saturday, October 21
Sat, Oct 21, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Aventine Ballroom F
WSDS R-Ladies Panel: Improving gender diversity in a male-dominated community (PANEL)

WSDS R-Ladies Panel: Improving Gender Diversity in a Male-Dominated Community (303812)

*Jenny Bryan, Rstudio & University of British Columbia 
*Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, Duke University 
*Lucy D'Agostino McGowan, Vanderbilt University 
*Gabriela de Queiroz, SelfScore 
*Mine Dogucu, New College 
*Katherine Scranton, UCLA 
*Jennifer Thompson, Vanderbilt University 

Keywords: panel, gender diversity, R Ladies

R-Ladies is a worldwide organization whose mission is to promote gender diversity in the R community. We are interested in presenting a panel of regional leaders in the R-Ladies movement. We will discuss topics such as diversity data in the R community, best practices for starting up a meetup in your own community, best practices for running and continued success of a meetup in your community, and funding opportunities. We will also diagnose different obstacles and discuss how we attack them, for example increasing women’s competence versus confidence versus recognition in the R community. Finally we will provide resources and details about how to get involved with local meetups.