Online Program

Saturday, October 22
Sat, Oct 22, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Salon 2
Speed Session 5

The Porridge is Just Right: “Americanisms” and Enhanced Team Communication in a Professional Setting (303270)

*Jane Brzozowski, Fresenius Medical Care North America 
Sheetal Chaudhuri, Fresenius Medical Care North America 
Diane Rondeau, Fresenius Medical Care North America 

Keywords: Community, Statistics, Communication, Americanisms

With the changing demographics in America, the cultural diversity amongst women in the field of technology and statistics is also changing. "Hail Mary pass", “Do not pass GO”, "Playing Phone tag" – We frequently hear terms like this in our professional setting, but they are often unfamiliar to colleagues from diverse backgrounds and other countries. We have found a way to enhance understanding in the workplace, while having some fun, by implementing a process of identifying and clarifying "Americanisms" as we encounter them. We encourage members of the team to seek clarifications and recognize phrases that are often unfamiliar to them culturally. This not only helps them in building self-confidence, but also helps them to integrate better into the team. During the speed presentation we will present variety of informative examples and take suggestions from the audience to improve team communication.