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Saturday, June 1
Developing Statistical Software For Drug Development
Sat, Jun 1, 10:00 AM - 11:35 AM
Grand Ballroom K

Reproducible Computation at Scale in R (306396)


*Will Landau, Eli Lilly and Company 

Keywords: reproducibility, high-performance-computing, workflow, pipeline, R, rOpenSci

Data analysis can be slow. Some computations take several minutes, hours, or even days to finish. Afterwards, if you update your code or data, your hard-earned results may no longer be valid. How much of that valuable output can you keep, and how much runtime must you endure all over again? For workflows implemented in R, the drake package can help. It analyzes your project, skips steps with up-to-date results, and orchestrates the rest with optional distributed computing. At the end, drake provides evidence that your results match the underlying code and data, which increases your ability to trust your work.