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Friday, May 18
Data Visualization
Data Visualization Platforms
Fri, May 18, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Grand Ballroom F

Using Shiny to interact with data (304538)

*Winston Chang, Rstudio 

Keywords: Shiny, R, web, data visualization

Shiny is a tool for creating web applications with R. In this talk, I will show some of the varied ways that Shiny can be used for interacting with data. Many of these ways of using Shiny are web-centric, such as dashboards that provide an overview of a data set, and web-based interfaces for analyzing data. But that's not the only way Shiny can be used -- it can also be used to create graphical tools that are invoked from the R console, to assist in workflows that primarily involve writing R code. I will discuss the challenges that you might face in these different use cases, and how to deal with them. I will also talk about some recent developments that we have made with Shiny.