QDET2 Abstract Submission


Please follow the steps below to enter your abstract information.

  1. Begin: To begin, select "Enter a New Abstract."
  2. Enter Session Information: Select session type and topic. Next, enter the required information for your session type. Enter the abstract title, text, and keywords. When finished, select "Save and Proceed."
  3. Enter Authors: Select "Add an Author." Enter the speaking author's contact information (name, affiliation, address, phone number, email address, and email type). Be sure to select only one presenting author. Click on the "Save and Proceed" button at the bottom of the page. Add co-authors by selecting the "Add an Author" button. Co-author information also may be edited or removed from the abstract by using the corresponding buttons. When all authors have been added, select "Preview Your Abstract Submission."
  4. Preview: Review your abstract and author information and select the corresponding "Edit" buttons if needed. Once the abstract is complete, enter a password for your abstract (must be at least six characters) and select "Submit Abstract."
  5. Confirmation: Print and save the final confirmation screen with your abstract number for your records.

Submit Abstract