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Keyword Search Criteria: small area estimation returned 25 record(s)
Sunday, 07/28/2019
A Model-Based Approach to Predict Employee Compensation Components
Andreea Erciulescu, Westat; Jean Opsomer, Westat
2:30 PM

Multivariate Unit-Level Models for Non-Gaussian Survey Data Under Informative Sampling Designs
Paul Parker, University of Missouri; Scott H. Holan, University of Missouri/U.S. Census Bureau; Ryan Janicki, U.S. Census Bureau
5:25 PM

Monday, 07/29/2019
Using American Community Survey Data to Improve Estimates from Smaller Surveys Through Bivariate Small Area Estimation Models
Carolina Franco, U.S. Census Bureau; William Bell, U.S. Census Bureau
8:35 AM

Small Area Estimation with Small Sample Size National Household Surveys: a Multilevel Regression and Poststratification Approach with FoodAPS
Xingyou Zhang, Economic Research Service, USDA; Alisha Coleman-Jensen, Economic Research Service, USDA; Shelly Ver Ploeg, Economic Research Service, USDA; Mark Denbaly, Economic Research Service, USDA
8:50 AM

Small Area Estimation to Correct for Measurement Errors in Big Population Registers
Dano Ben-Hur, Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel; Danny Pfeffermann, Central Bureau of Statistics and Hebrew Unversity, Israel, University of Southampton, UK
2:05 PM

Tuesday, 07/30/2019
Estimating Uncertainty of Small Area Estimates via Multilevel Regression and Post-Stratification: a Comparison of Bayesian, Bootstrapping and Monte Carlo Simulation Methods
Yan Wang, CDC; Xingyou Zhang, Economic Research Service, USDA; James B. Holt, CDC; Hua Lu, CDC; Janet B. Croft, CDC; Kurt J. Greenlund, CDC

Small Area Estimation on Fatalistic Beliefs About Cancer Using the Health Information National Trends Survey
Benmei Liu, National Cancer Institute; Elise Rice, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research; Richard Moser, National Cancer Institute

A Practical Guide to Small Area Estimation, Illustrated Using the Ohio Medicaid Assessment Survey
Rachel Harter, RTI International; Amang Sukasih, RTI International; Jeniffer Iriondo-Perez, RTI International; Akhil Vaish, RTI International

Small Area Estimation on Fatalistic Beliefs About Cancer Using the Health Information National Trends Survey
Benmei Liu, National Cancer Institute; Elise Rice, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research; Richard Moser, National Cancer Institute
9:20 AM

A Practical Guide to Small Area Estimation, Illustrated Using the Ohio Medicaid Assessment Survey
Rachel Harter, RTI International; Amang Sukasih, RTI International; Jeniffer Iriondo-Perez, RTI International; Akhil Vaish, RTI International
9:50 AM

An Algorithmic Construction of All Unbiased Estimators of Variance Components in Linear Mixed Effects Models
Luyao Peng, Univ. of California, Riverside; Subir Ghosh, University of California, Riverside
10:35 AM

Overdispersed Binomial Small Area Models with Application to Poverty Rate Estimation
Patrick Joyce
11:20 AM

Wednesday, 07/31/2019
Bivariate Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Combining Estimates from Multiple Sources and Domains
Yujing Yao, Columbia University; Todd Ogden, Columbia University; Qixuan Chen, Columbia University

Small Area Estimation for Small Groups
Diba Khan, CDC; Brady Hamilton, CDC; Andrew B Lawson, Medical University of South Carolina ; Yulei He, CDC

Small Area Estimation of HIV Incidence Using Bayesian Hierarchical Model
Ben Sheng, Penn State University; Le Bao, Pennsylvania State University; Ray Shiraishi, CDC; Steven Gutreuter, CDC; Jeffrey Eaton, Imperial College London

Small Area Estimation for Small Groups
Diba Khan, CDC; Brady Hamilton, CDC; Andrew B Lawson, Medical University of South Carolina ; Yulei He, CDC
8:50 AM

Small Area Estimation of HIV Incidence Using Bayesian Hierarchical Model
Ben Sheng, Penn State University; Le Bao, Pennsylvania State University; Ray Shiraishi, CDC; Steven Gutreuter, CDC; Jeffrey Eaton, Imperial College London
9:00 AM

Small Area Estimation of Entropy Inequality Measures: a Comparison Between Alternative Distribution Models
Silvia Pacei, University of Bologna; Maria Rosaria Ferrante, University of Bologna
10:35 AM

Covariance Based Moment Equations for Improved Variance Component Estimation
Sanjay Chaudhuri, National University of Singapore
11:35 AM

Total Survey Error: Approaches for Measuring Bias and Variance Components When Combining Probability and Non-Probability Samples
Nadarajasundaram Ganesh, NORC at the University of Chicago; Edward Mulrow, NORC at the University of Chicago; Vicki Pineau, NORC at the University of Chicago; Michael Yang, NORC at the University of Chicago
2:25 PM

Thursday, 08/01/2019
A Reconsideration of the Gibbs Sampler for Small Area Estimation Models
William Bell, U.S. Census Bureau
8:35 AM

Two-fold subarea models for small area estimation: Some theory and model selection
J. N. K. Rao, Carleton University
10:35 AM

Small Area Estimation for an Informative Sample Design
Emily Berg, Iowa State University
11:00 AM

Interpolating Distributions for Populations in Nested Geographies Using Public-Use Data with Application to the American Community Survey
Scott H. Holan, University of Missouri/U.S. Census Bureau; Matthew Simpson, SAS; Christopher K. Wikle, University of Missouri; Jonathan R. Bradley, Florida State University
11:50 AM

Robust Estimation of Employment and Finance Data Using Bayesian Inference for a t-Mixture of Linear Mixed Models
Giang Trinh, US Census Bureau; Noah Bassel, U.S. Census Bureau; Bac Tran, U.S. Census Bureau
11:50 AM