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CC = Vancouver Convention Centre   F = Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver
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Activity Details

365 Tue, 7/31/2018, 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM CC-West Hall B
SPEED: Innovations in Survey Sampling Designs: Administrative Data, Record Linkage, Non-Probability Samples, and More — Contributed Poster Presentations
Survey Research Methods Section, Government Statistics Section, International Statistical Institute
Chair(s): Paul McNicholas, McMaster University
Oral Presentations for this session.
1: Using 100% Medicare Claims Data for Diabetes Surveillance: a Novel Framework
Linda Andes, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
2: Variance Estimation Under Model-Implied Randomization of Nonrandom Samples
Vladislav Beresovsky, National Center for Health Statistics
3: Addressing Challenges in an International Study with Propensity Scores: a Case Study from Indonesia
Susan Edwards, RTI International; Marissa Gargano, RTI International
4: Bayesian Methods for Stratified Sample Allocation Using Imperfect Information
Jonathan Mendelson, University of Maryland; Joe Sedransk, University of Maryland
5: Are Shoppers Representative of the Population? Using Geofenced Grocery and Convenience Stores to Represent the Population
Davia Moyse, ICF; Matt Jans, ICF; Ronaldo Iachan, ICF; Lee Harding, ICF; Scott Worthge, MFour; James Dayton, ICF; Yangyang Deng, ICF; Tracy Visconti, MFour
6: NAICS 2017: a New Process Yields Interesting Results
Sania Khan, US Bureau of Labor Statitics; Emily Thomas, US Bureau of Labor Statistics; Sharon S Stang, US Bureau of Labor Statitsics
7: Combining Probability and Nonprobability Samples for Population Inference
Jill A Dever, RTI International
8: Willingness to Collect Smartphone Sensor Measurements in a Dutch Probability-Based General Population Panel
Bella Struminskaya; Vera Toepoel, Utrecht University; Peter Lugtig, Utrecht University; Barry Schouten, CBS
9: Different Linkage Methods, Same Results? Linking National Center for Health Statistics Survey Data to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Administrative Records
Cordell Golden, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS); Adam Fedorowicz, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS); Lisa B Mirel, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
10: Sampling from Twitter: Can a Probability Sample Be Drawn to Target Hard to Reach Populations?
Marcus Berzofsky, RTI International; Tasseli McKay, RTI International; Patrick Hsieh, RTI International; Amanda Smith, RTI Internatinal; Natasha Latzman, RTI International
11: Can We Increase Contact Rates and Reduce Costs in a Longitudinal Survey by Including an SMS in the Contact Protocol? Results from an Embedded Experiment
Anton Johansson, Statistics Sweden; Dan Hedlin, Stockholm university
12: Record Linkage as a Decision Problem
Alan Karr, RTI International
14: Re-Engineered Address Canvassing for the 2018 End-to-End Census Test
Matthew Herbstritt
15: When to Use Commercial Data for Improved Efficiency
Edward English, NORC At the University of Chicago; Colm O'Muircheartaigh, NORC at the University of Chicago
16: Samples, Unite! Understanding the Consequences of Combining Probability and Non-Probability Samples When Linking Records Is Difficult
Benjamin Williams, Southern Methodist University