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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 645
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Thursday, August 2, 2012 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Business and Economic Statistics Section
Abstract - #304825
Title: Restoring Accounting Constraints in the System of U.S. Industry Accounts
Author(s): Baoline Chen*+
Companies: Bureau of Economic Analysis
Address: 1441 L Street, NW, Washington, DC, , USA
Keywords: Benchmarking ; Large Accounts Reconciliation ; Temporal and Contemporaneous Constraints ; Least Squares Estimation

This study illustrates a two-step method for restoring temporal and contemporaneous constraints in the U.S annual input-output (IO) accounts between the Quinquennial benchmarks. Step 1 is a univariate benchmarking process to restore temporal constraints in each component series, and step 2 is a multivariate reconciliation process to restore contemporaneous constraints while maintaining the movements preserved via benchmarking. Two alternative procedures for reconciliation are compared. The two-step method is shown to be simple to implement and computational effective. It allows reconciliation to be conducted independent of the benchmarking prediction errors and allows reconciliation of a large system of accounts to be conducted period-by-period, thus greatly reducing the computational requirement.

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