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Wednesday, January 10
Wed, Jan 10, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Crystal Ballroom CD & Prefunction
Welcome Reception & Poster Session I

WITHDRAWN: Comparing Different Planned Missingness Designs in Longitudinal Studies (304115)

Ofer Harel, University of Connecticut 
Nicholas Illenberger, University of Connecticut 

Keywords: Planned Missingness, Split Form, Multiform, Wave Missingness, Multiple Imputation, Missing Data

Planned Missingness (PM) designs, in which researchers deliberately collect only partial data, have enjoyed a recent growth in popularity. Among other benefits these designs have been proven capable of reducing the study costs and alleviating participant burden. Past research has shown that Split Form PM designs can be effective in simplifying complex surveys while Wave Missingness PM designs act similarly for Longitudinal studies. However, less work has been done to inform how to implement PM structures into studies which incorporate elements of both survey and longitudinal designs. Specifically, in studies where a questionnaire is given to participants at multiple measurement occasions the best way to design missingness is still unclear. To address this deficiency, data in this hybrid format was simulated under both Split Form and Wave Missingness PM structures. Multiple Imputation techniques were applied to estimate a multilevel logistic model in each of the simulations. Estimated parameters were compared to the true values to see which PM design allowed us to best capture the true model.