Friday, February 24
CS08 Interactivity with R Shiny Fri, Feb 24, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
City Terrace 9

Rapid Data Visualization and Dissemination Using R and Shiny (303289)

*Bogdan Alexandru Rau, UCLA Center for Health Policy Research 

Keywords: r, shiny, data visualization, html, css, data, visualization,, shiny server

Recent advancements in data visualization & data analytics are placing data analysts and statisticians in web developer shoes. The Shiny web application framework for R eliminates many of the initial hurdles to building data exploration and visualization platforms, and makes developing data visualization applications faster, easier, and more accessible across data analytics teams. Additionally, being R-based, Shiny web applications can harness the full statistical capabilities of R as a statistical language.

This presentation introduces R and Shiny as a combination of tools for the development of data exploration platforms with high utility across industries. This talk will help statisticians and data analysts better understand web data visualization concepts, including front-end and server-side development (all in R). Live examples using data from the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) and the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research will be showcased to help demonstrate the value and utility of Shiny in practical implementations.

In this talk: R, Shiny, Shiny Server,