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Tuesday, September 26
Tue, Sep 26, 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM
Thurgood Marshall South
Parallel Session: Sample Size Re-Estimation in Regulatory Applications: Experiences and Lessons Learned

DMC Analysis for Sample Size Re-Estimation (300466)

*Shein-Chung Chow, Duke University 

Keywords: Maintaining treatment effect; Controlling variability, Conditional power, Reproducibility probability

In clinical trials, sample size re-estimation is often conducted by an independent Data Safety Monitoring (DMC) in a blinded fashion in order to maintain the quality, validity, and integrity of the intended clinical trials. Sample size re-estimation is usually performed based on the criteria that (i) maintaining anticipated treatment effect (or clinically meaningful difference), (ii) controlling variability associated with the response, (iii) achieving a desired power conditioned on the observed data at interim, and (iv) reaching certain degree of reproducibility. In practice, criteria (i)-(iii) are considered one-parameter problem, while criterion (iv) is a two-parameter problem. A sensitivity analysis in conjunction with the controlling of the overall type I error rate is often conducted regardless which criterion is used. The above issues will be discussed at the panel session.