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Tuesday, September 26
Tue, Sep 26, 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM
Thurgood Marshall West
Parallel Session: Advances in Handling Non-Proportional Hazard Issues Under Different Clinical Settings

Design and Monitoring of Survival Trials Accounting for Treatment Crossover (300457)

Steve Bai, CDER/OB/DB1 
Quan Hui, Sanofi 
*Xiaodong Luo, Sanofi 
Junshan Qiu, CDER/OB/DB1 

Keywords: Non-proportional hazard, treatment crossover, design and monitoring

Survival trials are often facing a lot of challenges in study design and monitoring when the proportional hazards assumption cannot be reasonably assumed. The common reasons for the non-proportional hazard ratio (HR) are delayed treatment effect and treatment crossover. A delayed treatment effect means the treatment will not have effect until enough exposure has been achieved therefore the HR is 1 in the beginning and becomes smaller at a later time. Treatment crossover means the study participants may cross from the assigned treatment to the other treatment arm therefore reducing the treatment effect. In this talk, we are presenting a design and monitoring tool to account for these complex situations.