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Tuesday, September 26
Tue, Sep 26, 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
Various Rooms
Roundtable Discussions

TL05: Pragmatic Trials: How Did/Do They Work for You? (300396)

*Andrei Breazna, Pfizer inc. 

Keywords: Pragmatic Clinical Trials

Ford and Norrie concluded their piece on pragmatic trials in NEJM (Aug 4 2016) with the wise words: “No single trial, pragmatic or otherwise, is likely to answer all potential questions about the value of any health care technology. A pragmatic approach to pragmatism would be to adopt the features of pragmatic trials whenever feasible and sensible and when such features do not compromise trial quality and the ability to answer the clinical question of interest.” It would be good to get the pulse of how pragmatic trials or pragmatic features on non-pragmatic trials work for various sponsors. Please come to the table with a healthy appetite for debate and a juicy story.