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Tuesday, September 26
Tue, Sep 26, 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
Various Rooms
Roundtable Discussions

TL23: Chat with the Publications Officer of the Biopharmaceutical Section (300384)

*Richard C Zink, JMP Life Sciences, SAS Institute 

Keywords: Leadership, mentorship, collaboration

Like any group of volunteers with a shared interest, the Biopharmaceutical Section of the American Statistical Association is successful only when its members get involved and contribute their time, talent and expertise to Section activities. Chat with the current Publications Officer about how participation in the Section can develop leadership skills, address the needs of our discipline and profession, and mentor the next generation of statisticians. This will also be an opportunity to ask questions and give feedback on current Biopharmaceutical Section offerings, and provide any ideas for what you would like to see in the future regarding conferences, training, publications, or scientific working groups.